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Adult Children
Dysfunctional Families

(FREE Resources)

The Science of Generational Curses / Family Dysfunction

Addiction Impacts Epigenetics

Epigenetics is the study of how a person's environment and behaviors can affect how their genes work, without changing the DNA sequence. Epigenetic changes can be reversible and can last a lifetime, and some can even be passed on to future generations.

(Note: This video depicts how sex addiction impacts epigenetics. However, all addiction walks out similarly.)

Healing is Available Through Jesus

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14

(Note: The land Jesus heals is inside us.)

The Laundry List / Traits

14 Traits of an Adult Child of an Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Family
(Tony A., 1978)

We became isolated and afraid of people and authority figures.


We became approval seekers and lost our identity in the process.


We are frightened by angry people and any personal criticism.


We either become alcoholics, marry them or both, or find another compulsive personality such as a workaholic to fulfill our sick abandonment needs.


We live life from the viewpoint of victims and we are attracted by that weakness in our love and friendship relationships.


We have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and it is easier for us to be concerned with others rather than ourselves; this enables us not to look too closely at our own faults, etc.


We get guilt feelings when we stand up for ourselves instead of giving in to others.


 We became addicted to excitement.


We confuse love and pity and tend to "love" people we can "pity" and "rescue."


We have "stuffed" our feelings from our traumatic childhoods and have lost the ability to feel or express our feelings because it hurts so much (Denial).


We judge ourselves harshly and have a very low sense of self-esteem.


We became isolated and afraid of people and authority figures.


Alcoholism is a family disease; and we became para-alcoholics and took on the characteristics of that disease even though we did not pick up the drink.


Para-alcoholics are reactors rather than actors.

(Step Prayers)
Christian Versions

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Serenity/Humility - Prayer
"God, grant me the humility to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can and the wisdom to know that one is me". 

- I agree in Jesus' name.

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Knock-Down Kick-Down Prayer
I pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David and Jesus Christ:

- Please come with power and authority and knock down all doors, kick down all fences,
bust out all windows, knock down all roadblocks, plow up all foundations and kick out all things inside of my entire being that are not of you.

- Please come with power and authority and pry my eyes wide open to your true, slam my
face into your truth, let me not turn to the right or to the left, but please help me to walk in your
Spirit and truth and receive more of you.

- Please come with power and authority and remove the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh
and pride of life from my entire being.

- Please come with power and authority and take the wheel for my life, lead me and guide
me in your Spirit, truth and purpose.

- Please hide me behind your cross Lord Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over all aspects of my entire being.

- Please help me to be an obedient servant of you, Christ Jesus, and help me to be useful
for your purposes. I am yours Jesus Christ, not mine.

- I repent of all ungodly prayers, my sin throughout my entire life and my iniquity.

- Please forgive me Jesus Christ and cleanse me in your blood. Please have mercy on me and make me more like you, Jesus Christ.

- Never the less, your will be done Father God, not mine, in all matters related to me.

- I agree in Jesus' name.

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Step 3 - Prayer
"Jesus, please help me to be totally willing to surrender my ungodly fears & place my will & life in your care one day at a time.

Please grant me the humility & wisdom to change the things I can that you want me to, to endure the things I can change that you don't want me to, & to accept the things I cannot change, & the wisdom to know the difference between them.

Please help me remember to ask for help, & that I am not alone."

- I agree in Jesus' name.

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Step 4 - Prayer
"Jesus, please help me be rigorously honest & receive your care for myself during this 4th Step process.

Please help me practice your gentleness & always feel your presence on this entire spiritual journey.

Please help me remember that I have attributes you have placed in me & that you always stand ready to forgive me. I'm not alone. I can ask for help."

- I agree in Jesus' name.

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Step 5 - Prayer
"Jesus, thank you for this chance to speak honestly with another person about the events of my life.

Please help me accept responsibility for my actions & show compassion for myself, my family, & every person involved as I revisit my thinking & actions that have blocked me from your Love.

Please restore the Child of God you created me to be, my feelings & my trust in you & my True Self."

- I agree in Jesus' name.

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Step 7 - Prayer
Character Defects
"Jesus, I now ask you to make me ready for you to remove from me all my defects of character, which block me from accepting your divine Love & living with true humility toward you & others. Please renew my strength so I might receive your help for the benefit of myself & let you bless others along this path of my recovery.

I humbly ask you to remove my defect of _____________."

- I agree in Jesus' name.

Survival Traits
"Jesus, I'm now ready that you should heal my survival traits, which block me from accepting your divine Love. Please grant me wholeness (more of your Love, Joy and Peace, all the Fruit of Your Spirit - especially Sanity."

“I humbly ask you to heal my trait of _____________.”

- I agree in Jesus' name.

(Step 10)
Nightly Review

(Upon completing your day, ask yourself these questions. They help us live the Christian ACA program in all areas of our lives. Step 10 keeps us mindful of our program.)

1. Am I isolating & not talking about what is really going on with me?

2. Did I view anyone as an authority figure today & feel frightened or rebellious?

3. Did I dissociate, fantasize, or become involved in self-harm today?

4. Am I keeping secrets & feeling unique? Am I talking about my feelings?

5. Am I being honest in my relationships or am I seeking approval over honesty?

6. Am I acting "perfect" & obsessing over making mistakes?

7. Do I overreact or isolate from others when I perceive that I have been criticized?

8. Am I attending ACA meetings to nurture myself & give back what was given to me?

9. Have I acted helpful recently to manipulate others?

10. Am I secretly angry at someone, but I am avoiding talking about it?

11. Have I listened to my Inner Child or True Self today?

12. Did I judge myself or someone else without mercy today?

13. Am I listening to the Critical Parent or Loving Parent?

14. Am I remembering I can ask for help today & I can call someone?

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(Step 11) - 
Daily Prayer
& Meditation Sequence

This 20 min. sequence has been used by many ACAers to enrich their spiritual lives.

It helps improve conscious contact with Jesus. 

The Promises

Here are some of the rewards we can expect from working the program.

We will discover our real identities by loving and accepting ourselves.


Our self-esteem will increase as we give ourselves approval on a daily basis.


Fear of authority figures and the need to “people-please” will leave us.


Our ability to share intimacy will grow inside us.


As we face our abandonment issues, we will be attracted by strengths and become
more tolerant of weaknesses. 


We will enjoy feeling stable, peaceful, and financially secure.


We will learn how to play and have fun in our lives.  


We will choose to love people who can love and be responsible for themselves.


Healthy boundaries and limits will become easier for us to set.


Fears of failure and success will leave us, as we intuitively make healthier choices.


With help from our ACA support group, we will slowly release our dysfunctional behaviors. 


Gradually, with Jesus’ help, we will learn to expect the best and get it.


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12 Step Workbook

The Twelve Steps of ACA Workbook provides a detailed series of exercises & questionnaires used in one-on-one Fellow Traveler (Sponsorship) or group studies.

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Daily Affirmations

"Strengthening My Recovery"
 is written by & for Adult Children. With 365 daily shares, each paired with a meaningful quotation from the ACA Fellowship Text, this meditation book inspires. 

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Loving Parent Guidebook

From our experience, after completing the 12 Steps this book is a great adjunct. It explores how to become your own loving parent - providing guidance on creating the conditions to reclaim your inner child & reparent yourself with gentleness, humor, love & respect.

(Note: People remain wounded if they only use this book for healing. Working the 12 Steps is where the serious healing takes place.)

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Big Red Book

ACA Fellowship Text was written by anonymous ACA members providing guidance on working the 12 Step ACA program leading to recovery from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family.

Contact Us

To apply for sponsorship or
start your own program, call or text
Christian C. @ +1 214 715 1262 

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